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Questions about the campaign or T.E.M.K.?

E-mail Trisha at temk4good@yahoo.com.

Thursday, May 3, 2007


I apologize for being M.I.A.

I have been preoccupied with writing papers and preparing for presentations. Nevertheless, I will be finishing up school next Friday, so after that, I'll have more free time to complete the Smallville phase of the Project. As it was stated originally, the deadline for this campaign is around June/July and the campaign is still on track to meet it. I will address some new developments that I've been monitoring, in terms of castmembers (possibly) leaving, and where that leaves the campaign.

Things being quiet on the campaign front does not mean that the campaign is giving up. Not in the least. I do have ideas I want to throw around. Despite what is transpiring onscreen and that sense of doubt on whether this campaign will matter in the end, I hope all of you are still on board and will see this through. More than ever, the Tsuru Project needs your support and participation.



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