Help t.e.m.k. raise money to purchase Superman tags - DONATE NOW!

Questions about the campaign or T.E.M.K.?

E-mail Trisha at temk4good@yahoo.com.

Friday, April 13, 2007

What's in a 1000?

"1000 cranes, 1000 wishes, 1000 words, 1000 dollars."

This, right here, is our campaign, The Tsuru Project. I want to thank Luke, who is always with ideas, for the tagline.

I hope this provides us a more concrete focus of what we are doing here with The Tsuru Project. At campaign's end, we will have sent 1000 cranes with 1000 implicit/explicit wishes in 1000s of words, and raised 1000 dollars to purchase 100+ tags from the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation. Will our wishes be granted? I would like to think so. There's always a chance that it may not, but I hope that through the process of participating in this project that people will take something from it.

As I have mentioned before, I am considering to broaden the scope of The Tsuru Project in a couple of months, totally separate from the show and television. I hope all of you will be part of that process. Stay tuned for more details.


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