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Monday, April 16, 2007

My deepest and utmost condolescences...

To the families and friends of the 33 slain in today's deadly shooting on the Virginia Tech campus and the 37 killed and hundreds wounded by last week's bombing of the Iraqi Parliament.

It is because of these incidents that we start to question whether we will ever find lasting security, stability, and ultimately peace in this world. Peace isn't simply the absence of violence. The causes of violence, conflict, and war involve far more complex issues than just a matter of religious/cultural differences, right or wrong, good vs. evil, north vs. south. It is neither black nor white, but varying shades of grey. We need to look into the dualism of our human natures, into the matrix where the patterns of darkness and light are commingled and entangled. I think there we can begin searching for answers and understanding why it is difficult to find and sustain peace despite the presence of institutions and articulation of political commitments to facilitate security and peace.


Angie said...

I read about this in the newspaper today. It made the front page over here. It's so sad, and my thoughts and prayers are with the families of the people affected by this tragedy.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I know. I can't even imagine the terror, and the sheer grief. I was over at the Virginia Tech site, and there was this one quotation from a poet from the school, and she said, "We are sad today, and we will be sad for quite a while. We are not moving on. We are embracing our mourning. We are Virginia Tech..." I pray for their healing after this. And I also pray for forgiveness for the gunman.

I was thinking about this today, about dedicating 33 of the peace cranes in memoriam of the students and teacher(s).

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