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E-mail Trisha at temk4good@yahoo.com.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

A Wish for Peace

In addition to sending cranes with our wishes to Smallville TPTB, we will be sending cranes to the Children's Peace Monument in Japan's Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park. The cranes will be accompanied with a dedication, a wish for peace.

The dedication:
A world without fear is a world in peace. Fear is an inescapable element of the human condition. Such as it is that one’s security becomes another’s insecurity and so go states seeking destructive armament in their bid for power and stature, to strike fear in the hearts and break the will of potential adversaries. Mutual insecurities and distrust of others may never be completely allayed, but it is our hope, our wish, our prayer that the will of human temperance and understanding always preside over the will to destroy.

Though today the prospects for peace seem to grow dim each day, no armament in the world can ever extinguish the wish in our hearts to strive for peace. These cranes are dedicated to the memory of Sadako and those who fell on and since that fateful day. They are also for the people who are arduously working for or have died in the pursuit of peace. This is our promise to fearlessly seek peace now, tomorrow, and thereafter.

The Peace Monument has received 1000s of cranes from all over the world every year. Individual names and organizations and groups that sent cranes are entered into a public database which can be found HERE. The cranes will be sent under a collective name. Tentatively, the group name will be TEMK. Suggestions for another name are always welcomed.

If you would like your name and location to be included on the cranes being sent to Japan, please reply here. If you could also like to include a small wish/note for peace, then also post it on this thread.



Lana_Luthor said...

Peace has a lot of meanings and a lot of good consequences for the whole world. The problem is that we tend to forget it. My wish is that we remember everyday what peace means and that it’s worth to fight for it. Peace to everyone!

Alexandra, Barcelona, Spain.

Anonymous said...

As a student of and eventual professional in nonproliferation, my wish is for nonproliferation efforts to bring the world closer to the long-sought goals of disarmament and eventual peace and stability. Through these ongoing efforts, it is also my wish that the world would be less prone to conflict. However, I urge now that each one of us practice self-restraint, understanding, and overall consciousness to find and promote peace in our individual lives.

Angie said...

Peace is the one thing that can unite us as human beings. I wish for every man, woman and child to be able to live without the fear of war. I wish for all of us to remember the precious gift that life is.

Angie, San Jose, Costa Rica.

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