Help t.e.m.k. raise money to purchase Superman tags - DONATE NOW!

Questions about the campaign or T.E.M.K.?

E-mail Trisha at temk4good@yahoo.com.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Ready, set, GO!

Okay, guys, let's get going.

As I have mentioned in a couple of places, I am not sure if this will change TPTB's mind, but it doesn't hurt in trying. Remember, it's our show too, and we should be heard as well.

Advertising banners will be forthcoming in the next day or two. Start putting up this link anywhere you can. Mention this to all of your Clois and Lexana friends. Let's strive to collect 350 wishes. I know there are at least 350 of us out there with a little "fight" in them left. Bilingual wishes are also welcomed! It will be nice to give this campaign a bit of an international feel.

You can collect the wishes independently and pass them along to me, as long as the name and location are included in the wishes you collect. Also, ask people if they would like to lend their names for the peace cranes for the Peace Monument. Remember, we are also not sending a message to TPTB but to the world as well in terms of promoting world peace.


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